Struggling to keep all your things inside the pantry? Read this article to learn about unique ways to optimize your storage. These tips will not only help you improve your kitchen but also make it highly functional!


Kitchen, Pantry, House, Home, Room


Invest in pantry shelves

Easy and relatively inexpensive, pantry shelves work wonders in organizing your kitchen stuff. However, they do require extra space and limited functionality that makes them slightly less attractive to the customers. So to improve your pantry shelf storage, access, and visibility, you can install U-shaped shelves.


Pull-out storage

Pantry Pull Out Baskets are another solution to can help you optimize your existing space and give you more storage options. By adding pull outs and drawers, you will be able to add as much as 30% extra space and gain more surface area. However, when buying a pull-out systems, make sure you are investing in the right one. There are many options available in the market these days that can be overwhelming for an uninformed customer. So always buy from a reputed seller and take help from the salesmen for choosing the one that suits your needs as well as budget.


Choose the right type of installation

There are two ways to install your pantry, either do it yourself or call a professional. What you choose between the two will depend upon the complexity of the pantry system. If you already have a cabinet and looking to add pantry drawers, then it is best handled by professionals as it requires high level of efficiency.


Select the right basket shape to optimize storage

There are all kinds of baskets to choose from! Some can reduce the storage area by 25% while other take up more than necessary. Finding the right basket shape is the key to maximizing your storage space and optimizing the available space. Other than shape consideration, you should also consider looking into their quality. Since this is going to be a long-term investment, make sure your baskets are made from quality materials that are built to last. From pull out features to weight capacity, a lot of factors play a role in ensuring their quality and durability. So look into each of these aspects before making a purchase.


Keep things light

A pantry that is wider than 400mm can become a problem in the long run. Not paying attention to the weight can damage the pull out mechanism that can cost you heavily in repairs and replacement. In addition to that, you also need to ensure that they are made from long lasting materials such as chrome-plated or stainless steel.


These tips are by no means exhaustive and are just the tip of the iceberg. However, it is a good starting point for you to plan your pantry storage and get the most out of it. So make sure you keep all these points in mind when planning your kitchen pantry.

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